Retired Travel Hammer Musuem Haines, Alaska

On our Alaska cruise we stopped in the small town of Haines, Alaska. The town might be small but it has what is likely the largest collection of hammers in the world. This amazing collection can be seen at the Hammer Museum. The museum is easy to find just look for the giant hammer standing up in the yard. The yard itself is like an outdoor art museum with hammers.

Entrance to the museum is $5. Kids 12 and under are free. If you want to visit all 3 museums in Haines you can save 20% by getting a 3 in 1 ticket. The museum is open from May through September from Monday to Saturday. The rest of the year it can be opened by appointment.

Even if you are not interested in tools and hammers there is sure to be something in this museum you will find interesting. Hammers are used in all kinds of professions. There was a section of medical hammers, musical hammers, and more. The museum contains over 2,000 hammers. The curator is very knowledgeable and friendly. He is happy to share his hammer history with you.

The museum is in a small house. If you have mobility problems it is not a huge problem to get around the museum because it is so small.

The museum was one of the better deals in the area. You would have to really love hammers to visit Haines just for the museum. If you are on a cruise though and in port you might as well stop in. If you are a tool fan you will love the museum. If you have a spouse who is not interested they still may find some things they enjoy about the museum too. I recommend the Hammer Museum for all tool fans.


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